Every kiter will have the opportunity to choose the difficulty of the terrain. The unique kiting spots on the Sredinny Range (Middle Range) offer anything from plain kiting to extreme mountain terrain. It snows heavily throughout the winter so both freeride skis and snowboards are suitable for the conditions. The wind ranges from 7-27 knots, so we recommend bring 2 kites to take advantage of all the conditions. Though there is a large variety of terrain to choose from, it is required that you are an independent kiter to join the excursion.
The Destination
The Experience
This 10 night excursion is non-stop excitement. We will wake up early mornings and explore endless kite spots via snowmobile, stopping only for lunch and hot tea along the way. Nights will consist of supper, soaking in outdoor thermal pools and viewing videos and photos from the day. You will experience and enjoy local Russian cuisine along the way. This program can be changed due to the wind strength, direction and weather conditions.
Windless Days Program
Because kiting is a wind dependent sport, our Windless Days Program will keep the adventure going even if the wind is not blowing. We will go free riding by snowmobile as well as on an excursion to the Nomad Reindeer Camp for an evening in a Russian sauna in the nomads tent. The thermal pools and ski centres are open for use anytime.

Your Host: Alex
Alex is your host for this experience and will provide you with all the information needed.