Tarifa offers great kitesurfing conditions all year round. It may be famous for it's overcrowded beaches - but that’s actually true only in July and August. Then there are two limited kite zones from 15th June to 15th September - but the rest of the year you have the 7km long beach plus 10 more kite spots in the surroundings of Tarifa. Further there are legends that Tarifa would not be suitable for beginners. This is not true. Of course, Tarifa has no shallow water, but this does not have to be a disadvantage. We as a established kitesurf center in Tarifa with more than 10 years of teaching experience know how to introduce a beginner to the sport. And all this in a safe and fun way. There are two main winds in Tarifa: - Poniente from north-west blows with typically 15-25 knots side-onshore and brings some beachbreak. - Levante from north-east comes side-shore to side-offshore and can be strong and gusty. All kite sizes are recommended in Tarifa, from 5qm to 16qm. All can happen
The Destination
The Experience
You are new to kitesurfing? Then you are totally right with us in Tarifa. You will learn all basics and first steps until waterstart and riding with a experienced instructor. Our upmost aim is to make your stay the best you had, so we adjust all up to your needs. The kite class consist of three 3 hours sessions for you and a second student (you share the equipment). In case you prefer 1:1 classes, the time is reduced to 1.5 hours per session.
Our main priority is a combination of safety and fun while teaching kitesurfing. This way the ultimate aim is to make you enjoy this beautiful sport and end up being able to practice kitesurfing independently. Towards that we will guide you step by step! The basic kitesurf course includes all the equipment needed for the development of the activity: kite, bar, harness, wetsuit, life vest, helmet, liability and accident insurance, rescue boat.
At the first session you will learn all the basic theory about wind and the kite. After this you learn all the safety and how to handle the kite safe and controlled at the beach. All the time with an instructor at your side. After this stage you are ready for the water.
Session two will take place in the water with the kite but without board. You will learn how to steer the kite with power and how to recover the board. After different exercises you will be ready for the board.
Session three focuses on the waterstart. You spend time doing some theoretical and practical exercise to manage getting up on the board and riding!

Your Host: Tanja
Tanja is your host for this experience and will provide you with all the information needed.